Monthly musings, inspiration and support for an empowered motherhood

Maternal ambivalence: the two truths of motherhood
Matrescence, Well-being Katrina Court Matrescence, Well-being Katrina Court

Maternal ambivalence: the two truths of motherhood

While more women may feel comfortable saying that motherhood is hard, saying that you don’t always enjoy it, or dare I say it, sometimes hate it, still feels taboo.

Ambivalence is that feeling of being pulled in opposite directions by strong emotions, needs, values or passions. It’s being conflicted and something that I believe should be talked about more openly.

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Authenticity over confidence
Matrescence, Career Katrina Court Matrescence, Career Katrina Court

Authenticity over confidence

Confidence. It’s something we all struggle with at some stage, particularly as women and mothers.

We want to feel less anxious, more self-assured, and certain in our choices. We want to appear calm, in control, like we have our act together. We may believe that being more confident will lead to more success, happiness, and fulfilment.

But is confidence really the answer?

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The courage to redefine motherhood
Matrescence, Resources Katrina Court Matrescence, Resources Katrina Court

The courage to redefine motherhood

It is no secret that the historical narrative around motherhood has self-sacrifice at its core. For centuries “good mothers” have been portrayed as selfless, nurturing women who are expected to forgo their own needs, desires, and dreams for the sake of their families.

It is time to rewrite the narrative and take ownership of what motherhood means for women as individuals.

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Lost in the maze of motherhood
Matrescence, Postpartum Katrina Court Matrescence, Postpartum Katrina Court

Lost in the maze of motherhood

I often describe the early years of motherhood as a maze. A fun adventure with twists and turns, but also with lots of potential for losing your way, conflicting choices and regularly running into dead ends.

"I feel lost since becoming a mum” is one of the most common things women say to me when we speak.

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Dropping the mask of motherhood
Matrescence Katrina Court Matrescence Katrina Court

Dropping the mask of motherhood

Most people who knew me during early motherhood – even my nearest and dearest – saw this version of me: smiley, nails done, baby in a cute outfit, loving mum life.

Why do we put up this Mask of Motherhood? What stops us from showing our true experience?

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