Monthly musings, inspiration and support for an empowered motherhood
Feel like you’re underachieving in motherhood? This might be why
Growing up, we were told that we could be anything we wanted to be if we set our minds to it. We grew accustomed to setting goals and then going out to smash them.
However, then we became mothers, and everything changed. Here are some reasons why the transition into motherhood can feel so uncomfortable for women who are used to achieving.
Three burning questions every mum faces as maternity leave ends
For many mamas, returning to paid work after mat leave, whether it’s for the first time or not, can feel overwhelming. So many mixed emotions fly around: excitement, nervousness, sadness, relief, guilt… And that’s before we consider the logistics of childcare and that a full night’s sleep is likely still a fantasy.
To help make the transition smoother, here are the top three common concerns and some helpful tips.
Authenticity over confidence
Confidence. It’s something we all struggle with at some stage, particularly as women and mothers.
We want to feel less anxious, more self-assured, and certain in our choices. We want to appear calm, in control, like we have our act together. We may believe that being more confident will lead to more success, happiness, and fulfilment.
But is confidence really the answer?