The Wobbly Years of Motherhood

Motherhood is a journey filled with twists, turns, and surprises—many of which we aren’t always prepared for. We talk a lot about those first few months of being a new mama, but what about when you’re no longer "new" and yet everything still feels, well, a bit wobbly?

You’ve likely emerged from the baby fog (or at least part of it), have some kind of routine in place, and maybe you’re getting a little more sleep (fingers crossed!). But here’s the thing: even with these small victories, you might still feel off-balance. Your body, brain, and emotions are still adjusting to this new version of you, and that’s okay.

The Shift: When You Start to Feel the Change

As the whirlwind of those baby days starts to calm down, something else begins to happen. You start to notice just how much you’ve changed. Motherhood has a way of transforming us in ways we didn’t expect. The things that once made you feel like “you” might not resonate as strongly anymore.

There’s now a little more space in your day, and with that space, comes reflection. You start to realise that motherhood has shifted your priorities, your identity, and even how you see the world. And yet, there’s a lingering feeling that you should have it all together by now. After all, you’re not a new mama anymore, right? So, what gives?

Here’s the truth: just because you’re not a new mama anymore doesn’t mean you have to have it all figured out.

In fact, this stage of motherhood can feel a lot like being a toddler again. Think about it - when toddlers learn to walk, they’re unsteady, unsure, and sometimes downright frustrated. But they’re also full of wonder, determination, and growth.

As a mama in the early years of motherhood, you’re learning to navigate a complex new world of wonder and worry. You’re experiencing BIG emotions—sometimes all at once. You’re weighing your need for support against that desire to prove you can do it solo. It’s a balancing act, and it’s not easy.

Taking It One Step at a Time

Mama, I see you. I see the struggle, the joy, the exhaustion, and the triumphs, even the small ones. It’s okay to admit that this stage is tough. It’s okay to feel wobbly. You don’t have to have it all figured out right now.

Just like a toddler learning to walk, it’s all about taking one wobbly step at a time. You don’t need to sprint before you’re ready. Instead, focus on finding your rhythm, asking for support when you need it, and being gentle with yourself along the way.

If you’re feeling these feels, know that you’re not alone. So many mamas are navigating this same journey, trying to make sense of their new identity while managing the daily demands of motherhood. It’s important to remember that there’s no “right” way to do this. What matters is that you’re doing it.

Motherhood is a beautiful, messy, and ever-changing journey. There will be days when you feel strong and confident, and others when you’re just trying to make it through. Wherever you are on your journey, remember that it’s okay to take it one step at a time. You’re growing, learning, and becoming the amazing mama your child needs—wobbles and all.


Stuck in a spiral moment