Monthly musings, inspiration and support for an empowered motherhood

Three burning questions every mum faces as maternity leave ends
Career, Resources Katrina Court Career, Resources Katrina Court

Three burning questions every mum faces as maternity leave ends

For many mamas, returning to paid work after mat leave, whether it’s for the first time or not, can feel overwhelming. So many mixed emotions fly around: excitement, nervousness, sadness, relief, guilt… And that’s before we consider the logistics of childcare and that a full night’s sleep is likely still a fantasy.

To help make the transition smoother, here are the top three common concerns and some helpful tips.

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The courage to redefine motherhood
Matrescence, Resources Katrina Court Matrescence, Resources Katrina Court

The courage to redefine motherhood

It is no secret that the historical narrative around motherhood has self-sacrifice at its core. For centuries “good mothers” have been portrayed as selfless, nurturing women who are expected to forgo their own needs, desires, and dreams for the sake of their families.

It is time to rewrite the narrative and take ownership of what motherhood means for women as individuals.

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5 tips to shake off mum guilt
Resources Katrina Court Resources Katrina Court

5 tips to shake off mum guilt

We’ve all had it, that nagging feeling that we’re not doing it right, or that we should be doing more of this, or less of that.

#mumguilt seems so inherently woven into the lexicon of modern motherhood that we just accept it as part of the job description.

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