Monthly musings, inspiration and support for an empowered motherhood

Two things can be true
Motherhood, Well-being Katrina Court Motherhood, Well-being Katrina Court

Two things can be true

I want to talk about something that I haven’t always felt comfortable admitting. Truth be told, sometimes the gritty reality of motherhood feels so disappointing compared to the pastel-hued expectations I held before I became a mother.

But while having mixed emotions about most things in life seems completely rational, for some reason admitting that we have conflicting emotions about motherhood feels provocative, something to push down – a dirty secret to keep hidden.

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Maternal ambivalence: the two truths of motherhood
Matrescence, Well-being Katrina Court Matrescence, Well-being Katrina Court

Maternal ambivalence: the two truths of motherhood

While more women may feel comfortable saying that motherhood is hard, saying that you don’t always enjoy it, or dare I say it, sometimes hate it, still feels taboo.

Ambivalence is that feeling of being pulled in opposite directions by strong emotions, needs, values or passions. It’s being conflicted and something that I believe should be talked about more openly.

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5 tips to shake off mum guilt
Resources Katrina Court Resources Katrina Court

5 tips to shake off mum guilt

We’ve all had it, that nagging feeling that we’re not doing it right, or that we should be doing more of this, or less of that.

#mumguilt seems so inherently woven into the lexicon of modern motherhood that we just accept it as part of the job description.

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