Stuck in a spiral moment

Lately, I’ve felt like I’m going backwards - both in my business and as a mama.

Behind the scenes, I’ve been working really hard on shaping the next evolution of my signature programme, baking in the insights from working with my wonderful clients this year, along with some new resources. But as a result, it feels like I’m back at the drawing board.

In motherhood, emotions have been running high. We’re closing the chapter on the pre-school years, whilst also managing an increasingly challenging situation with my daughter’s picky eating, which has reached an all-time high (or low - I couldn’t even get her to eat pancakes yesterday 😩).

The ground beneath my feet feels a little wobbly, and I’m fighting against my auto-response to retreat and hide (preferably on a peaceful sunny island somewhere!)

But today, a fellow coach reminded me of something important. She referenced this amazing visual of a blooming dahlia going around on social media and it reminded me of one of the steps we’re taught as a Mama Rising Facilitator – trust.

We need to trust the process of expansion and growth 🌱

When we’re in the middle of a spiral moment, whether in motherhood, our careers or just life in general, that contraction we experience - the bit where we convince ourselves we’re going backwards, the bit where we judge ourselves for being stuck or for not knowing better this time – that is what propels us forwards.

Just like a spiral. Just like a dahlia blooming.

When we start to trust in the process and see these seemingly backwards steps as part of our growth, we can be kinder to ourselves. We can lessen our judgment and be more compassionate. We can even feel hopeful and excited for what’s to come.

So, let’s give ourselves permission to feel all the feels and trust that these spiral moments are part of our growth.

Much love,

Katrina x

PS. This is a link to the Dahlia video, I’m obsessed 😍


The Wobbly Years of Motherhood


4 Traps keeping you from thriving as a mama