Breaking up with Superwoman

As women, living in a world that celebrates the masculine [energy] and disparages the feminine, many of us have been conditioned to think that strength means being tough, heroic, and independent.  

We’ve been led to believe that to be a strong, successful woman and mother, is to be a superhero. To do all of the things - perfectly - and to be in control, and unemotional whilst doing them.

But the truth is, we’ve forgotten that there is another definition of strength. A more feminine kind of strength and that once we embrace it, it is a force to be reckoned with.

It’s time to redefine what it means to be a strong woman and mother.

It’s time to hang up our capes and break up with Superwoman.

Here are five ways to show strength as a mama:

1. Welcome vulnerability: Vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, but it takes strength to show our true selves and express our emotions – especially the shadow ones. By embracing vulnerability, not only do we create deeper connections, but it’s the foundation to building a more fulfilling experience of motherhood - one that’s rooted in authenticity rather than unrealistic societal ideals.

2. Befriend your intuition: As women we are often more in touch with our intuition, but we don’t always give ourselves the space or the permission to hear it. Instead, we choose to look externally for answers and validation. Only your inner knowing has the power to guide you in making decisions that are in alignment with your values. Make friends with it, spend time with it, listen to it, trust it. 

3. Embrace your unique mama style: You don't have to conform to society's expectations of what a successful woman and a good mother should look like. As the well-known saying goes, comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t judge yourself so harshly, set your own realistic boundaries, and remember that there is no one size fits all in motherhood.

4. Show self-compassion: Compassion is a powerful tool but it’s often easier to show it to others than to ourselves. How would you speak to a friend who was struggling, overwhelmed or in desperate need for a break? Practicing self-compassion isn’t letting yourself off the hook; it has the power to increase our resilience by helping us step away from shame and fear towards a more positive state that allows us to move forward.

5.  Build a support system: There is SO much strength in “Can you help me?” Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you, whether it's friends, family, colleagues, or invest in a coach or therapist. Having a support system is not only vital to navigate the challenges of motherhood and can help you to make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

So, remember darling mama, there is strength in your vulnerability, in your tears, in your mistakes.

There is courage in your ‘no’ and in your ‘I need help’.

There is power in your gentleness, in your kindness, in your forgiveness.

You are a woman; you are a mother; you are strong.


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The perfect mother myth: why it’s time to let it go